⚜️ Bienvenue

⚜️ Bienvenue


Funny 4 the Day ~ 4 Year Old CK

Here's me at 4 years of age...that guy in the red pants!


oldefrostfarm1780 said...

Ahh...Cute Lil Guy...
What happened?...You Grew Fangs!!!

Thanks for your order...I shipped your package out this morning...

Have a Creative Week

SpOOky Dreams my Friend


Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Cute pants!

Oh, and you are just adorable too! :)


Kaerie Faerie said...

pretty cute for a vampire, love the bubble do on the MOM HeHe

Unknown said...

You look like your Mom, you Vampire you! :-)

Georgina said...

Chris, you haven't changed...you're still adorable!! Love the red pants. I keep "threatening" my honey I'm going to get him a pair. When he was about 4 his mother dressed him in a pair of red overalls and the neighborhood bully began teasing him and calling him "red boy." My honey beat the holy ba-jeebers out of him, red overalls and all, but he swore he'd never wear red again...he'll be 58 in October. Maybe I'll surprise him on his birthday!

Have a good one.


Christopher A. Klingler said...

AW SHUCKS & thanks ladies for stopping by...AND for all your FUN comments!

Have a great & creative week everyone.



LuLu Kellogg said...

OMG you are adorable as a wee one! At least you weren't trying to shove the little one over in the swing. I was so jealous of my younger sister Lisa when she came along that I shoved her bassinet into the wall and then turned her over! *giggle*

She forgave me!


Christopher A. Klingler said...

Hey Lulu!

SO nice to hear from you & TOO FUNNY!!! LOL '-P)

PS: I've been meaning to email you and let you know that I came up with a great solution to the crummy hangers on the back of the black wood SFA frames I sent you! I went to Michael's and got some thick solid black satin fabric ribbon and looped it through the metal triangle hanger...made a bow and hung the frames from the tied bow. I left enough excess ribbon so that the bow hanger shows above the frame. Just thought I would share my CK tip!

Hope this note finds you well!



Moon Man

Moon Man