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Show N Tell ~ A Creative Collector

Hi Folks,

I wanted to share the very novel and creative way one of my collectors displays her CK art. Heidi has been collecting my Halloween art for some time now, and she shared with me how she displays my postcard art. Heidi has made a memory scrap book of her vintage Halloween postcards she has collected along with some modern pieces (IE: CK). I really like how she customizes the page to match the theme of the artwork.

This is a great way to keep the postcards safe and accessible for easing viewing. Thanks again Heidi for sharing your picture with me and for being such a great patron of my art!


Unknown said...

It's nice you're sharing your collectors ideas.
Oh, and I cannot tell you how many times, forever ago, I went to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show! This was before it had it's iconic following. Thanks for playing it's music!
~ Deb

Unknown said...

That is a very cool idea...Looks wonderful.


Christopher A. Klingler said...

Thanks for stopping by and the kind words Deb & Sonia!

Deb ~ RHPS is one of my FAVES & I've been Frank for several Halloweens! '-)

OH ROCKY!!! :-O)

SpOOky CK >:-)

LuLu Kellogg said...

This is a wonderful way to display your postcards. I think I am going to get one of those frames that have several openings in them to put your art I am collecting in.

Things are CRAZEEEE here at Casa de Chaos...sick dogs, workmen (not cute ones though) with "coin slots" showing, a broken down car and a leaking roof....welcome to my nightmare.

Love you to bits!!

Moon Man

Moon Man