⚜️ Bienvenue

⚜️ Bienvenue


~ Shim CK ~

~ Shim CK ~

For the life of me I could not decide who I wanted to be this year for Halloween...so this is what resulted. This picture was from my practice session last night. A little bit Dr. Frankenfurter, Robert Smith, Adam Lambert, and glam 80's hair band rocker. The decision has been made...I think! ~ LOL '-)

~ Wishing all of you a happy Halloween! ~


LuLu Kellogg said...

Love the hair, love the makeup, love the torn fishnets....total fabulousness!

Happy Scary Day!

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Thanks dearest Lulu & wishing you the most magical Halloween yet!


SpOOky CK >:-)

magikalseasons said...

Happy Haloween Chris! Wishing you a day & night filled with treats! :)

Kaerie Faerie said...

that is pretty scary EEKKKKK
Happy Halloween

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Happy Halloween Becca & Karey!

SpOOky CK >:-)

Dianie said...

You look Fabulous CK !!!!
I so wish I had your legs :)


Christopher A. Klingler said...

Happy Halloween Diane!

Thanks so much, and I work hard on those legs! '-)

SpOOky CK >:-)

Anonymous said...

I definitely see Dr. Frankenfuter and Adam Lambert!!!! I think you look fabulous!!!! Not everyone can wear those short shorts! You look Marvelous!

Have a GREAT Halloween Chris!

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Thanks! ~ Wishing you a magical & happy Halloween Pattee & Sophia!

SpOOky CK >:-)

Marie S said...

You look mah-va-lous dahlink.
Sooooooooooooooo boootiful!!
Happy Halloween!

LYNDY WARD said...


Hope you & yours have a most memorable holiday. One that you will treasure forever & a day...

XOXOs With Mojito Treats,

Anonymous said...

You sexy thing! Happy Halloween :)

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Thanks Marie, Lyndy, & Caroline! ~ Hope you all had a great Halloween!

SpOOky CK >:-)

Unknown said...

Just fabulous! Wish my legs were as good lol ;)

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Thanks SO much Roz & Aidy!

SpOOky CK >:-)

Moon Man

Moon Man