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Funny 4 the Day ~ Creepy Santas

Wishing you a magical holiday season! ~ Santa CK


Georgina said...

Yup, they're creepy!!! LOL Have a great week and always, and I mean, always, do some misbehavin'!!


Anonymous said...

I hate creepy Santa's and elves ~ Must be left over from my childhood!

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Thanks for stopping by Georgina & Pattee!

Hope you both are staying warm and have a great rest of the week!

SpOOky CK >:-)

oldefrostfarm1780 said...

That 2nd Santa is the Creepiest to me...The last one is Not Bad at all...he he...You make an adorable Santa....Happy Holidays Chris!!

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Thanks Adele! ~ Hope this note finds you well & happy holidays!

SpOOky CK >:-)

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