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New Halloween ACEO's Coming Soon!

CK is working on a fresh batch of new Halloween ACEO's.  Stay tuned...

New! "Blake" - ACEO @ Etsy! (Click Here)

Update: SOLD!


Unknown said...

I a sure they will come out looking amazing.

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Thanks so much Lady Lilith!

SpOOky Best,
Chris :-)

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

I'm so happy you are selling your work. It's always so beautifully done. Is that you in the water below Chris? I thought you had dark hair, then again I think you were a Vampire at the time...LOL,
Marie Antoinette

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Thanks so much Marie for the kind words and new batch of comic books you sent. Nope that is not me in the Mother's Day post, it is Vanilla Ice! LoL

SpOOky Hugs,
cK :-)

Moon Man

Moon Man