⚜️ Bienvenue

⚜️ Bienvenue



Hi, having my morning coffee as I anticipate the happenings of my FAVE day of the year! I am enclosing a picture of my delightful Halloween tree! The tree has about 500 orange lights and many of my fellow Ehag artisan's ornies. Some of the ornies were made by me as well. I have decided to keep my Halloween tree up through New Year's as one of my Christmas trees! I look forward to the reaction of family and friends that have not seen it in person, when they come over for my Xmas Eve party! LOL '-)

Hoping you and yours has a wonderful Halloween! Enjoy the trick or treaters if you will be passing out candy tonight, I will as a Pirate!




Carolee said...

LOVE the tree! A pirate, you say? What happened to Dr.Frankenfurter?!

Melissa Valeriote said...

Happy Halloween wild thing! Looking forward your pirate picture post. You win the prize for most beeeeutious Halloween tree.

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Hey Carolee, Frank was for going out in DC with friends this past Sat. night, the pirate will be for the lil' tricksters passing out candy tonight! '-)

Thanks Carolee & Melissa on my tree, you BOTH are such sweeties!

Happy Halloween!!


Unknown said...

Chris, Happy Halloween !!! I sooo loved Adam Ant in the 80's !!! That is a cool costume. Thanks for popping in my Blog Home. many blessings to you and yours this Halloween. See ya later. I will be adding you to my faves too!!!

Mica at Garboodles Soup

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Fabulous tree!!! I want one:) Hope you had a wonderful night. I know I did!

Unknown said...

Happy Hallowe'en Chris, I agree, with Melissa and Carolee... I can't wait to see the pirate costume too.

...seems your a man of many disguises! ;)

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Hi Mica, thanks!! We are both children of the 80's or so it seems!

Thanks Jen on my tree! :)

Had a GREAT Halloween, we passed out 10 bags of candy last night! AND the display was a BIG hit with the kiddies!

YES I am a master of disguises! LOL

Lori & Melissa, unfortunately in the flurry of preparations for last night, nobody snapped a pic of my pirate costume! Sorry, it did look good though...I was a sexy pirate, not an ugly one!! Hehe

Halloween came and went SO fast, now I am sad. :(

Janell Berryman Pumpkinseeds folk art said...

This is the third fabulous Halloween tree I have seen this year! OK I give in... I must get one too! Terrific tree Chris. This one wins the cake!

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Thanks Janell! :)

You HAVE to get one, they are SO much FUN to decorate. Thanks again for all the nice compliments!!


Moon Man

Moon Man