Had to share Kristen Beason's wonderful Halloween tree! Kristen had the coolest idea of taking my "Trick or Treat" postcard print and making a framed ornament from it. TOO cool I tell you...hmmm...thinking...I need to make one for my tree NOW! '-)
Please visit Kristen and her magical art @ Kristen Beason Designs.
PS: I'm SO tickled to now own 3 of her FABULOUS ornaments for my tree.
Spooky Cheers,
Chris :-)
Awww you're too sweet Chris! I'm going to frame the other postcard and place it on the other side of my tree. I should have bought two frames, but I wanted to see how it would look on the tree first. I think I'm going to have to put the tree in my studio after the holiday, so I can enjoy it year round ;+) Love those EHAG pieces!!!
You are very welcome Kristen! :)
Spooky CK
I'm just loving all these Halloween Tress! I think I'm going to upgrade to a bigger tree this year. Your post card makes a perfect ornament. Have a great weekend Chris!
Great idea Kristen! Love seeing all these decorated trees! Hmmm.... I might have a little tree I can paint. :)
I may have to search out a black frame and polka dot ribbon for my postcard too.
Okay I thought I left a comment about your KILLER tree and all the fabu ornies yesterday, but I don't see it so I'll try again..... I LOVE YOUR TREE!!!
Thanks for sharing the picture(s) of it, Chris! It is really beautiful... what a load of talent went into all of the decorations. Amazing!
Thanks Karen SO much on my tree!!!
Chris :)
Oopsie ~ Thanks again EVERYONE on my tree!!! :-)
Looking good over here!! And I love your tree and love your postcard on Kristen's tree!
Thanks Dani & glad you are enjoying my spOOky goodies!
SpOOky CK :)
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