⚜️ Bienvenue

⚜️ Bienvenue


Funny 4 the Day ~ Santa Mr. T & Nancy Reagan


Creager Studios said...

OMG...That is toooooooo funny! Frankly I think that is what she requested from Santa ...15 minutes with Mr. T. Thanks for sharing, I needed the laugh


Unknown said...

Awww kinda sweet. Her one moment to be a kid again..since she was caring for one....


Abatevintage said...

Oh Ck this is hillarious, I loved the A-team as a child. This picture is great.

.•:*¨¨*:•.Blessings*¨2 U 4¨**¨¨*the holidays .•:*¨¨*:•.


Jaime Haney said...

"pitty the fool!"

LuLu Kellogg said...

ROFLMBO!!!!! Chris, you are just too twisted for TV *giggle*


Kaerie Faerie said...

This is so funny, I've got to send this to my Dad in Chgo, he will get a big kick out of Mr. T
He is a big fan

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Okay, I just spit Earl Gray tea all over my monitor!! TOOOOOO funny. that is going to make me giggle for a long time.


Coach Z said...

What a great picture, Chris!! Thank you for being so good at bringing a smile to my face...especially now that I am sick AGAIN!!!

Germ-Free Hugs your way!!

Monkey-Cats Studio said...

Where do you find this stuff Chris?!!! You are always good for a chuckle!!!

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Something about that photo frightens the hell out of me!

Christopher A. Klingler said...

You ALL are 2 FUNNY!!! :-O)

Funnier than my post!!!

Glad you all enjoyed and as always thanks for stopping by.

CK (-:

Moon Man

Moon Man