⚜️ Bienvenue

⚜️ Bienvenue


~ Spirits in Sanford - Halloween Art Show ~

~ My tropical lime green Halloween table scape. ~

Hi Folks,

Here are the long awaited Spirits in Sanford Halloween art show pictures! It was a great show and many new friends and connections were made. I was tickled lime green to be able to attend this year and be table mates with Jorge de Rojas (HohoHalloween). The Jeanine Taylor Folk Art gallery in Sanford, Florida was a very charming venue for this special art show. All of the artist offerings were just great. It was nice to see the reactions to my work and the other artists in person. Since I sell 99% of my art online, I do not get a chance to see the actual reactions to my work. Many pictures were taken and it was hard to narrow down the selection. The show set up and preview party was on Friday Oct. 8th (costumes were encouraged). The actual show day was Sat. Oct. 9th (we had a great turnout). Enjoy!

Me setting up my table.

We all got set up in about two hours.

"Magical Hallowe'en Box"

"Naughty Jack" SFA (He was a BIG HIT & sold!)

"Queen Jack" Postcard & others...

"Blood Bowl" Candy Dish

Loose "Spooky CK" Postcards

Jorge & Armand setting up.

Jorge de Rojas and his vibrant sculptures.

Dianne Waldron and her lovely goodies.

Sarah Whitmire and her deliciously dark art.

Melissa Menzer and her assemblage art treats.

Debb George and her fun primitive goodies.

Preview Party ~ Giveaway Items

Preview Party Treats

We had a great turnout for the private preview party!

Emo CK for the preview party.

Me with Jeanine Taylor (Gallery Owner)

Me with Mary Shaw (Gallery Manager)

Me on show day as myself.

Me, Steven, & Jorge.

A great time was had by all! I would like to say a very special thanks to Jeanine for hosting the show, and Jorge for helping me "learn the ropes" for my first show. Some of my remaining unsold pieces will be put up for auction this week on eBay.


Unknown said...

Great photos Chris! And Congratulations on a successful show! Everything looks super! :-)

~ Deb

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Thanks Deb & it was a FUN show! Now back to reality!

Chris >:-)

fiddlestixstudios said...

LOVE your pics,Chris!Such an adorable venue!
Hugs :-),

Enchanted Productions by Joyce Stahl said...

Yay! Congratulations on a great show, Chris! It looks like you had a great time! Love all of your pics too...especially Emo CK...and the last one with you, Steven and Jorge! That's a gret pic!

Welcome home!

Chicken Lips said...

What a fun show! I would love to attend next year!

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

What great pictures!


Christopher A. Klingler said...

@Mandy Thanks and glad you enjoyed the pics!

@JoycEE It was such a great 1st experience for me and glad you enjoyed the pics! I'm back! '-)

@David It was FUN and if you attended next year it would make even more so!

@Chris Thanks!

SpOOky CK >:-)

LuLu Kellogg said...

Great pictures Sweetheart! I am so glad you had a great showing! I knew you would do well and that people would love your art. I leave in about 2 hours for Jersey! Eeeeeeeeek! I am so excited!

Love you to bits!

LuLu Kellogg said...

p.s. Your table was BEAUTIFUL!


Iva Wilcox said...

So glad to hear you had a wonderful time and sold lots of art! Hope to see you there in future years!!
~ Iva

Johanna Parker said...

So FUN to see your colorful display Chris ~ looks like you enjoyed yourself and had a chance to mingle with like-minded Halloween artist friends..... Great wig too!

~ Johanna :)

Leah's Art Magic said...

Congratulations on your first show!
I agree with Joycee, the photo of you, Steve and Jorge is great. :)


Christopher A. Klingler said...

@Lulu Thanks SO much and looking forward to meeting you at the STJ Soiree in NJ today! '-)

@Iva Thanks and that would be FUN! :-)

@Johanna Thanks for stopping by and glad you enjoyed the pics!

@Leah Thanks and I agree the last pic was the best!

SpOOky CK >:-)

Creepy Creations by Jamie Moore said...

Chris, Your table looks wonderful!! I'm glad to hear that you had a great time! I so hope that I can make it back there next year!

Hope you are having a great weekend!

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Thanks Jamie and I hope you can make it to next year's event as well!

SpOOky CK >:-)

Moon Man

Moon Man